Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The famous escapist complacency conundrum

Okay so it might not be famous, I made that up, actually I made that whole phrase up(mine mine mine, ok getting a lil paranoid here, moving on). So on one of these afternoons I was having this talk, chat actually, with a kindred soul, this is besides the lostie gushing we do, about complacency and escapism.

Complacency is a tricky tricky thing. At one side there is this whole theory about how in life once you are satisfied, you attain that elusive peaceful state of mind where you finally rise above all the small electric, gas, cable bill issues. So basically once satisfied, you are complacent in you present state of affairs.

Now here lies the hitch in this theory, what if this satisfaction is a result of pure laziness, the whole sour grape theorem or worse a byproduct of escapism. All of us have this little escapist within us, mine is a little big one I guess. You know watching Matrix and wondering what if, watching matrix revolution and wondering what the hell is this, reading Harry Potter and yearning for all that magic especially the one that mends anything or the one that cleans up any mess, how about chopping cleaning veggies and cooking pots and pans or storing away my memories for a visit later some day, yea my escapist is just raring to fly away.

With escapism comes a sense of complacency, cause when you are living it up for even few minutes the drudging waiting hours pass away just in anticipation. But isn’t the escapist actually the dreamer within and if the dreamer can be put to some actual work then the results can be quite amazing.

Complacency is not a bad thing after all it gives sound sleep every night. But then again there are miles to go before I sleep..

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