Thursday, March 6, 2008

As Decent as it gets..

So here I am sitting after my almost decent late afternoon cup of tea. It’s your standard bigelow office type variety. Getting more personal, it’s the cinnamon kind. I love cinnamon, saying cinnamon too has a certain twang or twirl to it. So while I was making do with my tea, I started thinking there are many things in life we make do with.

I mean of course the aggressive, idealistic, black and white people will go all red in the face telling me nobody has forced anybody to make do with stuff in life. I completely agree, but unfortunately world is not black and white, its green, blue sometimes very red, colorful actually. Point being, everyone has choice, sometimes means too, to make that leap, but every choice and leap is correlated with multiple implications and related choices. It kind of like a matrix or I would say more like a house thing you make with a deck of cards. To preserve the balance, each card has to be carefully placed or removed, unless you want to make a clean start.

Anyways my blog was not about all this, digressing as always. What I wanted to get to was , how does one decide what things are okay to make do with, and until what point you make do without just actually being plain lazy and disinterested. For example my tea, in office, I don’t have a choice hence the dip dip strategy but when I have means and its not complicated and its totally worth it but I still resort to tea bags at home that’s when make do is being grossly misused.

In the end life is all about choices, compromises and for the courageous kind’s clean start every single time. So you make do in life for things that don’t really make a difference and then you go and buy an audi, just to stir things up a little.

1 comment:

Point 5 said...

@SS...In many ways life is a truman show, your choices are completely governed by the government and the corporations...your decisions are influenced by them too...