Wednesday, December 12, 2007

How jaded are we exactly..

As a kid born into this world we are like, white canvases waiting for that splash of color. Somewhere down the line this becomes more of a mish mash of contradictions, difficulties, clashes in ideologies, loss of that creative sparkle and what not. So eventually we condition ourselves into detaching our mind. So many times when something disturbing happens its not as if we are there but a hovering self of ours analyzing the scene from far above, secretly watching how people react, secretly hoping that no one catches our secret eye. It is definitely something we have accomplished from the naive what’s that days to was what days..

Watching gore and not wincing is a proud victory, I’ve seen better.. I’ve seen worse.. Maybe that’s the reason why we have developed this need to live on the edge to experience those roller coaster of emotion which otherwise are invisible in our daily existence. After all someone very smart coined ignorance is bliss. Then there was living in denial makes life much more easier to handle rather than take decisions and face consequences everyday in n out.

So creating a protective bubble and numbing emotions is that the path to evolution now. Is that how our evolved selves will relate with everyone?

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