Friday, June 20, 2008

Affirmative Action

I am all about thoughts, feelings, metaphysical, paranormal, extra terrestrial, sarcasm laden posts. So here are my baby steps to some political rambling. I am msnbc reader who chances upon news channel mostly in gym, coz those are the only channels which seem like fun reading with the captions, plus that white hair guy looks good.

So I was reading about how Chinese have been classified as black. Yea that’s what caught my ADD attention also. So the funda is that in South Africa, amongst the group of people who suffered apartheid, they have included blacks, Indians and now Chinese also.
So Chinese people will be eligible for any benefits under affirmative action programs by the government. We all know how that works, you know being from India having that arjun singh guy brainstorming.

So basically to bring up oppressed members of society, or provide them equal opportunity, reservations, promotions and so on so forth are provided. Affirmative actions. My question is when India got independence, was not everybody oppressed for about a century. And at the current rate do the general junta become oppressed and will they be granted any reprieve in the coming years.

I mean it’s a never ending debate, and me being a coward I decided to walk away and hole in another country altogether. This is one of the prime reasons I avoid reading any news from India or any news period, I am happy in my soundproof well, so even if this titanic with it affirmative action upper deck goes down, at least I had a good ride. That’s it for my really terse political post, will be back with some new stuff very soon..


Point 5 said...

hmmm...not sure if I understood the post very well..but u r right affirmative action needs to stop sometimes...the benefits should be harvested by 1 generation or at most 2..but after that everyone should come to equal terms

Anonymous said...

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This way you can reach out to rambhai readers some of whom could become your ardent fans.. who knows.. :)


ss said...

@point5 u forgot this is vague blog so understanding coherently is not required, but yes that was kind of the gist.

@ray thanks for the huge vote of confidence, I will check out rambhai soon..