Friday, December 28, 2007

And so it died..

So I started my day all groggy and stumbling around. Finally found him alive and kicking defiantly giving me all the reasons to finally wake up. Fresh and whizzing like the early morning sun. And slowly I started waking up. Noticing the beautiful bright day out there.
But suddenly it started sputtering, and I just did not have a good feeling about all this. Then slight stretches of complete nothings and I knew in my heart this is it. So I held it in my hand felt the pulse, the constant resonating undying pulse. Finally it stopped. And so right there in the middle of beautiful bright day it died in my hand.. Darn! I gotto get new batteries for my electric toothbrush..

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Searching for Patterns

So I was watching a beautiful mind, intruging movie, but this post is not about that, its about what it got me thinking. Patterns.. everything around us is a pattern. In fact we have this tendency to find patterns in lfe behavioral, seasonal, regional... Patterns, trends, take language for instance we took some random shapes and assigned a meaning to their different combination and permutations.

Everything in life is a pattern, or else we make sure its a pattern, or we search for a pattern. Patterns are beautiful, they lend a kind of symmetry. Its a nature thing, trees, plants, flowers everything has a certain symmetry to it. At the basic level everything has the same pattern when we come down to it atoms, molecules, cells.

Why is there this need for searching patterns. I believe once we can tag a pattern we kind of know the meaning, it is predictable to certain level thereafter. Therefore it gives us a sense of security in knowing.. Cause we are always insecure with things we dont know and cannot predict.

But every discovery, invention, serendipity, accident requires to step out of the comfortable life of predictable patterns and look for new ones to give meaning and sense of knowing to the unknown anamolies and deduce new pattens

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

How jaded are we exactly..

As a kid born into this world we are like, white canvases waiting for that splash of color. Somewhere down the line this becomes more of a mish mash of contradictions, difficulties, clashes in ideologies, loss of that creative sparkle and what not. So eventually we condition ourselves into detaching our mind. So many times when something disturbing happens its not as if we are there but a hovering self of ours analyzing the scene from far above, secretly watching how people react, secretly hoping that no one catches our secret eye. It is definitely something we have accomplished from the naive what’s that days to was what days..

Watching gore and not wincing is a proud victory, I’ve seen better.. I’ve seen worse.. Maybe that’s the reason why we have developed this need to live on the edge to experience those roller coaster of emotion which otherwise are invisible in our daily existence. After all someone very smart coined ignorance is bliss. Then there was living in denial makes life much more easier to handle rather than take decisions and face consequences everyday in n out.

So creating a protective bubble and numbing emotions is that the path to evolution now. Is that how our evolved selves will relate with everyone?